The collection of  Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and its transformation into Biodiesel represents an opportunity for the EU to decarbonize its transport system and to address the environmental problems that the wrong disposal of UCO may produce. UCO based Biodiesel produces the biggest greenhouse gas savings among biofuels. As a waste, it does not compete with other edible feedstocks and it does not produce Land Use Change effects. Still, various barriers on EU and national level are limiting the use of UCO as feedstock. In order to break these barriers and to develope a European wealthy market for UCO, the following specific measures should be applied:


  •  Clear and stable Biofuels legislation aimed at promoting advanced biofuels.
  •  Specific national measures to support small producers.
  •  Higher blends of biodiesel in transport.
  •  Increase of public resources for advanced biofuels production and research.
  •  Clear legislation on waste and development of certification schemes.
  •  Raising awareness among policy makers and the general public.


UCO to Biodiesel towards 2030 is a document elaborated by the RecOil partnership that summarizes the findings obtained during the development of the project on the current situation of UCO collection, the barriers that hinder its expansion and gives a series of recommendations to achieve the project objectives. It was presented to EU institutions, NGOs, industries and media the 3rd March 2015 in an event organized in Brussels


 Policy Position Paper (short version)

  Policy Position Paper