First RecOil Project presentation in Italian territory was held within the Calabria Expo Energia 2012.
RecOil Project was presented in the Province of Cádiz with a launching press conference celebrated the 21st of June in the Provincial Hall (Cádiz).
The Portuguese municipality of Setúbal improves its Municipal Selective Collection Service with five new large containers for used cooking oil collection that will join to the collection barrels previously placed in schools and Social Entities.
This new system, promoted by the municipality and managed by a private company, is integrated by 50 oil containers that provide citizens a proper option for used oil disposal, allowing also a correct UCO management in the city .
Kick off meeting of the RecOil Project took place on 24th and 25th May, 2012, at the Bay House in Setúbal, to promotion of used cooking oil (UCO) recycling for sustainable biodiesel production.