In brief
> Town of Castrolibero (Province of Cosenza ).
> 20.000 inhabitants
> 8.000 families.
> Door to door collection system to improve.
A door-to-door collection system was set up in the town of Castrolibero with the collaboration of ISALP Power Oil (UCO collection company). Part of the collected oil is processed into biodiesel with an experimental method developed by the University of Calabria DIMES Department and used later as fuel for school bus of the Municipality of Castrolibero.
Collection started in March ’14. After a first month to calibrate and verify the amount of citizens willing to participate, collection frequency was established in 3 months.
The main challenge of this pilot project was to involve citizens in the used cooking oil collection. To achieve this, each family in the town received a personal container to collect oil with an informative label explaining the correct UCO collection method. A customer service email was opened to solve all the possible doubts and questions about UCO recycling.
Promotional Campaign
The promotional campaign was based in the slogan: “Ricicliamolo, goccia a goccia da un rifiuto una risorsa” (Recycle it! no waste, but resource). It appeared, together with a logo specially designed for this campaign, in different promotional and dissemination material (paper brochures, posters, etc.). Presence in social media was intense (including twitter, a youtube channel and a facebook page). .
Coming soon (April 2015).
Further information:
Visit the facebook page of the project.
Source: Municipality of Castrolibero.