The Online Guide is intended to provide a web tool to support decision making, in the process of implementing or improving an UCO collection system. Consisting of an interactive platform that will allow the users to have an expedited access to a wide range of information that will guide the implementation or improvement of UCO collection systems on the European territorial space.
The web tool will allow the user to select four inputs criteria and will present the best suited recommendations to the geographical, economical and social reality of his region. Simultaneously, the Online Guide will present technical information on the mainly UCO transformation methods used on the Europe, and it will provide the applicable legal framework, at National and European level concerning the UCO Collection and Biodiesel production.
Complementary information with recommendations on door-to-door collection, bottles deposition, collection in public places, liquid spill deposition, maintenance security and communication will also be available on the Online Guide, together with an operators listing and a position paper of the Consortium of the Recoil project.
The Online Guide include two research modalities. Initially the user can directly access the database by searching the information stored on it, and subsequently, the user may proceed with the selection of a set of indicators that will enable the software to compile information that will constitute a decision making guideline.
The guide will be available in the end of the year and can be accessed in the RecOil Project webpage.
Source: S.energia