The Vice-President of the energy Agency Province of Cádiz, Bernardo Villar, and the city councilor in charge of Environment Issues in the municipality of Cádiz, Paloma Bordons, opened the Meeting about Local UCO Management held in Cádiz the 2nd October 2014.


The meeting has brought together municipalities and the main UCO collection companies in the Province to share their point of view on used cooking oil local management. Together they identified the barriers, opportunities, needs and challenges that UCO local management has to face up in order to improve and extend the UCO collection systems.


The program of the day included a specific talk about the current legal framework of UCO management in municipalities given Juan Ignacio Ramirez, legal expert from the Environment Area in the Provincial Government. Another talk was given by Pablo Quero (Energy Agency Province of Cádiz) on technical recommendations to set up and improve a UCO collection system.Finally, Orlando Paraiba, director of the Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida and RecOil Project Coordinator, showed how UCO collection is developed in the municipality of Setubal and surroundings.


This Meeting is part of the actions included in the “Promotion and Awareness Campaign on UCO Recycling” started this month in the city.


Download here the presentations:


 Ignacio Ramírez (Diputación de Cádiz) - Aspectos jurídicos de la recogida municipal de UCOs.  

 Pablo Quero (APEC) - Recomendaciones para la implantación de un sistema municipal de UCOs.  

 Orlando Paraiba (ENA) - Experiencias en gestión local de aceite doméstico en la Arrábida (Portugal). 





Source: Dipucadiz.